Agosto 27, 2003

+ Vietato copiare i dvd. E Hollywood canta vittoria.

Un segreto industriale merita tutela piu' della liberta' di espressione. La
Corte suprema della California ha stabilito che la Costituzione non
impedisce l’azione legale contro chi distribuisce su Internet il codice per
copiare i Dvd. “La divulgazione di informazioni squisitamente tecniche non
ha utilità alcuna rispetto al pubblico dibattito che si è aperto sull’uso
dei programmi per la duplicazione e sugli sforzi per limitare la diffusione
di copie illegali”, hanno scritto i giudici nella sentenza depositata
lunedì. Hollywood canta vittoria: “I ladri di proprieta' intellettuale non
potranno piu' impugnare il primo emendamento come uno scudo”, ha dichiarato
Robert Sugman, rappresentante della Dvd Copy Control Association, il
braccio legale delle major nella guerra contro la pirateria

Agosto 05, 2003

+ Man jailed for linking to bomb sites.

A federal judge sentenced a man to a year
in prison Monday for creating an anarchist Web site with links to sites on
how to build bombs.
Arrested during demonstration.
Austin was arrested with other protesters at the World Economic Forum in
New York in February 2002 on charges of disorderly conduct and unlawful
assembly. While in New York, federal charges were handed down in California.
Austin said he took a plea bargain because he feared his case was eligible
for a terrorism enhancement, which could have added 20 years to his
sentence. The plea deal had called for him to serve four months

+ Activist Gets Year in Jail for Hosting, Link to Bomb Info.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today criticized the sentencing on August 4 of political activist Sherman Austin to one year in jail for hosting a website describing bomb-making and for linking from his website to that website <>.


Sherman Austin, webmaster of, was sentenced today, August
4, 2003, to one year in federal prison, with three years of probation.
Judge Wilson shocked the courtroom when he went against the recommendation
of not only the prosecution, but the FBI and the Justice Department, who
had asked that Austin be sentenced to 4 months in prison, and 4 months in a
half-way house, with 3 years of probation <>.

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